
The enochian myth
The enochian myth

the enochian myth

Jesus Christ's name does not even appear in the three visions, even if the central position of Christ is essential in the shaping of Christian teaching.

the enochian myth

Whatever the appellatives, Herma veiled the Enochian origin of his knowledge. The bad shepherd of Qumran texts becomes the bad shepherd at Herma, the evil angel of the Enochian texts respectively.

the enochian myth

Basically, by their angelology and demonology, long before they became Christians (dogmatically), the Nazarenes were Enochian, like John the Baptist, or Andrew the Apostle, expelled by the "fate" of the Jerusalem council to the northern borders of the empire, near us, but still far, in Bulgaria.

the enochian myth

Perhaps the most "contaminated" one is the Revelation, contamination which did not exempt the apostles, as exemplified towards the end of my study. Surely, the Enochian phenomenon is not limited to the Hermaʹs writings. We chose some of Hermaʹs visions because they basically expose a kind of demonology and of angelology conceptually impossible for the current dogma. Herma is an interesting character, rather Enochian than Christian in his conception, whose history is not known. Almost three hundred years after the affirmed adoption of Christ, the Enochian religious current remained stable, by the writing of an essential part of angelologic history and especially of the Christian demonology. Summary/Abstract: My paper is based on the certainty that the first Christian centuries were profoundly influenced by the Enochian myth, which, through writing and orality, got in the Christian environment, surviving for centuries, openly, in its interior, without synodal convictions. Published by: Editura Aeternitas Keywords: Enochian myth Herma evil angels demonology Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies MITUL ENOHIAN AL ÎNGERILOR RĂI ÎN VIZIUNILE LUI HERMAĮNOCH’S MYTH OF THE ANGELS IN HERMAS’S VISION Author(s): PETRU ADRIAN DANCIU

The enochian myth